It was about a year ago that I found Chris. After decades of being a "nervous patient" the time had come when I had to get my teeth sorted out.
I began my search and decided to ring Welshmill with a view to consulting Chris - having based my decision on a combination of his testimonials and my own intuition, and quite regardless of the fact that I'm an hour and a half's drive away.
On visiting Welshmill, which is a very welcoming and friendly practice indeed, and seeing Chris for an initial consultation I had no hesitation in deciding and so we began the course of treatment. From the first appointment with Chris I was very pleasantly surprised at how different it all was to the experiences from my past that had fuelled my nervousness. Chris's skills and techniques are such that the level of discomfort was way lower than I'd expected, and he is indeed very good at dealing with nervous people, and so the result has been a major shift in my attitude towards dentistry.
Having got things sorted out I intend to stick with Chris to keep them that way, and am even considering having some further work done, not because I need to, but because I want to - and that in itself would've been unimaginable for me not that long ago. I know I chose well and I have no hesitation at all in recommending Chris and Welshmill - even with a 120 mile round trip!